Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Question: It's funny because it happened to a celebrity... people now take it to the next level and harass people on the phone because they are also celebrities... and the possibility it could happen to YOU?????
Does anyone not see the REAL story behind this? It isn't that some trust fund baby ditz was doing anything but just doing her thing... as are most of you all doing your thing with your technology.
nevertheless.. while it is a tad humorous to see it happen (I don't care who it happens to just that people "trust" these gadgets implicitely) it still isn't a good thing that it happened.
What about the info in YOUR cellphone?
While I don't think anybody would give a shit about what's in my cellphone, I completely agree with you.
Hackers did this to her because of who she is, and she didn't deserve it - nor did any of the other people listed in her address book, who now have to go to the extreme hassle of changing their numbers.