Originally Posted by seretogis
My guild on Mannoroth downed King Magni Bronzebeard for the first time that I've heard of, ever.
Some more screenshots: http://www.twelveprophets.com/images...05-02-17/misc/
There has been a massive amount of whining / bitching about it from Alliance from all servers because we were a little creative with his placement when we pulled him. We've had a lot of accusations of "cheating" thrown at us for killing him, mostly from people who don't seem to be able to comprehend what is going on from examining screenshots. For instance, someone suggested that the King sat motionless and didn't attack, though is is very clear that he was attacking and spawned a billion guards which we had to kill repeatedly. Anyhow, we got no loot from him, but we managed to stir up all the Alliance, so in a way that is enough of a reward.
The fight took 45 mins to an hour -- that's from the moment we engaged, to the moment he died -- and we had to deal with some Alliance, and his billions of summoned guards as well. Most Alliance, thankfully, weren't bright enough to figure out how to get to where we were.
Goddamn! That's impressive! Even though I play alliance kudos to you guys.
Can I join 12p?
There is no fucking you, there is only me.
Last edited by Jadedfox; 02-22-2005 at 07:33 AM..