As a female with a VERY high sex drive (from early puberty!) and a GYN nurse prospective, I can tell you that if she was a sexual person before taking the pill, it IS the pill - it happened to me. How it works: It is mostly made of progesterone, the hormone that is produced in great quantities while pregnant, which also reduces testosterone (that's right, - testosterone) and it causes depression in many women. People think that it is estrogen that is responsible for sexual desire and response in a woman - it is not! We produce about 10 percent of what males do, and it is the hormone of desire and response. When that is reduced, most every woman has declining or non-existent drive (libido), depending on what the level was naturally. Either she can find another method of birth control (I wouldn't recommend another pill, no matter what they claim, they all work the same way). Find a GOOD GYN who is willing to treat with low dose testosterone - I GUARANTEE she will be back to herself, if not hornier! Make sure it is a cream - bypasses the liver (can damage if taken orally). Don't let any MD tell you it is "dangerous" some will tell you that becuase they are uneducated. taken in the small dose (0.3 mg per day) as opposed to 10mg per day for men, it is harmless. Call around to compound pharmacies and ask who is prescibing. See that MD. I promise it will be worth it! I don't believe it is her Christian upbrining or she wouldn' have messed around before marriage or indicated she was "horny".
Sorry this reply is so long. Good luck!