If you're thinking of using Linux on your desktop, then the ATI All-In-Wonder won't work. I have one that works respectably well under Windows, but there is pretty much no support for the Linux world. If you want "just a TV card" instead of an all-in-one, the WinPVR cards by Hauppage are solid, and have good Linux support. I lean on the Linux issue because of the fine MythTV program, which lots of folks are using with success.
If I recall correctly, the resolution for capture will vary based on the image source. over-the-air television will be at a lower resolution than digital satellite. A final note, speaking of digital satellite -- DirecTV boxes and the like often can't be controlled with a tuner card, unless you have additional hardware/software to let the computer send a channel-change signal to the box. If you have 'straight cable' -- in other words, you can just plug an antenna or coaxial cable into your TV and do all channel-changing on the television itself, then the tuner should be fine.
Hope I'm not making something simple, into something complicated... Even with a decoder box, you can change the channels with the box's remote -- I just like to record shows on my computer, and watch them when I'm doing something boring on the PC, or surfing the web.