Backwards clock
I have a small mantle style clock. For the past year it's finally been working right but for the two years prior we had a strange thing going on with it. It ran backwards. If you could watch it in the mirror and pretend that the 9 was a 3 and visa versa it actually kept time. It was creepy because every once in a while it would stop and start going clockwise but it never lasted more than a few minutes. One would think that things had been connected incorrectly except that now for almost a year it had been going clockwise and keeping time correctly. Any idea what could cause this? For the time when it was going backwards we were having a lot of hardship in our lives financially and healthwise. Now we're doing fairly well - it almost makes one wonder if there is a connection somewhere. Thoughts? Anyone know the inner workings of an analog clock and how it could run backwards and keep time??
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.