I am accused of being boring on a regular basis by friends for staying home a lot.
Frankly, I find the whole bar/club scene intolerably boring, I'd much rather be watching Bride of Frankenstein what can I say. I stay home a lot, given that my interests are largely media or literature, and I actually prefer to watch movies on my own now. My idea of a connection make me a lonely fellow indeed as I find that I cannot relate to other well, and that others find my frustrating and strange. I can fake normality, but I think this just tends to store up a rude shock and doesn't really help me at all. I drink rarely if at all, a maximum of one or two beers or glasses of wine over dinner with company or over a lazy viewing of Empire Strikes Back.
To be frank, I really don't think its a good thing to be drinking daily on your own for no real reason, but then again, caffeine is my drug of choice. I certainly wouldn't say you're in serious serious trouble, the only issue with drinking alone is that there's no third party to give you an objective opinion about your habits.