Originally Posted by thingstodo
Man, get to a dentist who will give you an antibiotic and pain releivers. Then, go to the oral surgeon and have them all removed ASAP. What the hell are you waiting for? This is serious stuff here! Now I'll go read those other links.
What I was waiting for was Monday morning. I posted that on Sunday morning at 6:00 AM in extreme pain. Dentists are not usually open on Sunday morning and Monday was a holiday, but thank you so much for your help.
I was able to get into a dentist today and the verdict is: three impacted wisdom teeth that need to be surgically removed. Oh, and the one that is killing me right now has a lovely abcess on it. So they gave me some 'scripts for amoxicillin (to kill the infection) and Vicodin for pain and a referral to an oral surgeon whom I am hoping to get an appointment with this week. Joy.
Oh, and Oragel? It's my newest best friend.