I saw Constantine on opening night.
It was very well done, although I wish it would have been more like "Seven" with some very graphic imagery. I mean, you could go far out with that type of thing.
It's your classic good vs evil story brought to life from the Hellblazer comic book, but from a religious perspective.
For those of you who do watch it in theatres, pay special attention to the dialogue. I had a tough time trying to hear what was said due to the average volume of the cast's voices -- at times the most I could hear was a whisper. Let's not forget different languages, eg. Latin.
There were often a few names that didn't quite enter my conciousness at the right moments so I was often lost for a moment or two. Also the story goes quite quickly so don't lose anything.
The computer effects were pretty awesome. Overall I think they did a good job.
2.75/4 stars.
"You looked at me as if I was eating runny eggs in slow motion." - Gord Downie of The Tragically Hip