Originally Posted by chickentribs
Interesting point, Alan. Could you help me to better understand this by giving me 1 or 2 examples of how the current government is using a moral code, say, any of The Commandments as a guideline for the moral decisions they have made? Other than the easy ones like no working on Sundays I'm having a hard time with this.
Umm, maybe 1 and 5 (no other GOD and honor father and mother) ...
. I am not stating that the current government is using a moral code, nor am I saying it is something that can feasibly be always followed. When I say a moral code, I mean a basis where all can feasibly work from. Im not just talking about things that most people can agree on (murder, rape, etc.) but more grey areas. I think the alternate (no objective morality) is worse than using religion to serve as a solid moral base. Then where there is wrongdoing, there is a basis to look back upon that is for the most part agreed upon.