Wow, this is cool. I never thought of thinking about d1 and d2 being different at t=0 and the train ending up at the midpoint when the two light beams meet. Then the concept of simultanity does fly out the window (or does it...I would still argue that it holds true, but let's drop it).
Does anyone else out there think that there is something incorrect about SR. Even though it does make sense if you take it one step at a time, I still think there is something wrong. Maybe the law of propagationof light is wrong? just think of it, if it was, wouldn't it make stuff so much easier (on the daily basis anyway).
I was thinking, what if there was a way to measure the occurance of an event in a distance with something faster than the speed of light, then SR would be incorrect, wouldn't it??
BTW Thanks for you time and info fckm.