Falcon NW Fragbooks are Clevo's, just like the Alienware 7700 & Sager 9860.
<img src="http://www.falcon-nw.com/gallery/fragbook/FBook_red.jpg"> Falcon NW Fragbook 6800 (top of the line)
<img src="http://www.alienware.com/Images/product_detail_page_images/area-51m_7700/7700_enlarge_front.jpg"> Alienware 51m 7700
<img src="http://www.discountlaptops.com/media/sagernp9860/Sager_9860_big.jpg"> Sager NP9860
Same parts, almost identical options from each, different prices. Falcon NW is well known for service, but you could buy a spare laptop for the Sager's price difference.
Edit: Better Sager & Alienware pictures.
Last edited by cyrnel; 02-21-2005 at 09:38 PM..