Originally Posted by flstf
As much as I hate to admit it, the U.S. healthcare system is totally out of control. I cannot believe how expensive insurance costs unless you are subsidized by an employer. I would like to see a better system but I fear we will go down the socialized path soon if something isn't done to control the costs.
Please understand you do pay for it, even when you get insurance through work. It is the extra $5 - 10,000/year that they took from your budgeted salary to pay for insurance.
Look, I love free enterprise, capitalism, making money - all of that.
Please, forget for just a moment the "Big Government" scare tactics and "Canada's killing grampa" rhetoric you keep hearing over and over.
Think about the people you love...
My family's health should not show up as a debit or credit in a corporate ledger. I don't want to affect anyone's Return on Share because I broke my arm. I don't want Bill Smith in a purchasing having his promotion riding on whether or not my mother leaves the hospital Thursday or Friday. There shouldn't be a profit margin if I get cancer, but there is today.
Corporations are successful because they make money. Period. It's not reasonable to ask a company to chose between my health and it's health. I don't think the insurance companies are "evil" and that they take advantage of us. We handed them the keys and said make money AND be good to us. The system is flawed at the most basic level. If only we could find a company large enough to handle a task so complex and large on scale, but people didn't lose jobs over quarterly earnings that were missed. That is what our government is for...
If not to provide for the health of it's people than what? Who is going to take care of the huge masses of Baby Boomers that will be this generation's responsibility? Who will take care of the growing number of low income families that are losing their jobs and health insurance every time a factory moves to Mexico? Tell me that a hospital isn't allowed to turn away a patient in need and you have already agreed with Nationalization, that is the point. The money comes from us in taxes or through insurance rates rising an avg. of 15% a year.