I had all four out today. I'll reate my story for all the closet voyeurs out there.
I get to the oral surgeon, and sit down in the Chair (capital letter necessary). A hygienist/assistant hooks me up to an EKG and puts an auto-blood pressure cuff on me. Everything looks fine, so the doctor comes in. (If you're a nervous person, this guy might not reassure you. One of the nicest people I've ever met, but he looks like he fell out of an 80s medical drama. 6+ feet tall, huge chin cleft, huge glasses and
jerry curls.) So Dr. Tim puts an O2 line on my nose which is supposed to relax me. Meh. I'm kinda used to high concentrations of O2 from being in the hospital for my asthma. Then comes the anesthetic IV. Two jabs in the arm and no dice on nailing down a vein. So they go to the back of my hand. Maybe the oxygen did loosen me up, because I wasn't really stressed about being violated by a needle...
"Okay, Slavakion, you'll start to gradually get sleepy". The hygienist cleans my arm where I was probably bleeding, and... I'm awake and confused. Then somehow I'm in a detox room in a comfy chair. Besides not being able to walk at first, I had absolutely no side effects from the anesthesia. The worst thing was actually the novocaine. Five hours of tasting blood before I could drink water without dropping it all over myself. No swelling, and I got to eat jello, pudding and mashed potatoes.
Now to wait until I can eat some "real" food. Jello's gonna get old after a while.
Oh, by the way, I just got a call from Dr. Tim asking how I was. How many doctors would do that?