Originally Posted by Manx
It is my opinion that your opinion is not the opinion of society.
It is also a fact that your opinion is not the opinion of society.
In this particular case, my opinion is also fact.
I would say you are both wrong.
Not one person I associate with supports the ACLU. Conservatives on the whole, most likely don't support the ACLU. So, without any evidence, if I am even remotely correct, society is roughly split 50/50 on the ACLU.
Anybody that defends NAMBLA is scum of the earth and a disease to our society. How on earth the first amendment can be used to protect this slimebags is beyond me. Last time I heard, having sex with a boy was illegal. A group that advocates sex with boys should be illegal as well.
I think society is split on its support of the ACLU. And if more people knew about the ACLU's defense of NAMBLA, I would guess the number would go up. I can't think of one person who would support a group like these freaks. Guilt by association in my opinion.
I would looooooove to see someone try and defend NAMBLA or the ACLU's defense of NAMBLA.