Just going by logic and without any pure mathematical knowledge of the subject, it
seems like, since you are moving at a constant speed, that when both strike, at time
t = 0, then, say you are 5 meters away from both bolts, moving at 5 m/s, you still are
getting closer to the one flash, or it gets closer to you quicker than the other flash,
albiet only 1.67x10^-8 seconds quicker.
But then again, this is in reference to you, although, in a theoretical set-up, there
would be no other reference other than empty space, which, I suppose, relative to
the empty space directly inbetween the beams, which I suppose also can be
considered at rest, the bolts would happen 'simultaneously.'
2nd Paragraph could be totally wrong.
Oh, and talk about physics questions anytime you want, I need more info
myself, and the more people talking, the more knowledge flowing.