This is weird. I have my own experience which is kinda strange but I attribute it to coincidence. On Sept 11 the tuesday that the planes crashed into the buildings -I overslept. This is not unusual. I had a dream prior to waking that there was a train crash in my backyard. I woke with a start. This happened about an hour (9 am) before the planes crashed into the buildings. I wouldn't have remembered it and it wouldn't be significant if nothing happened that day. Also if I always dreamed about crashes -it wouldn't be significant.
I'm not really a believer in the paranormal and I certainly don't think that I'm psychic. However I do believe in synchronicity. The reason is that we as human beings often look for patterns even within a-casual events. We can't help it. It's something we are made to do (not only in unconnected events but all events).