Mad wishes for a quick and healthy recovery for you, Janey...
NCB, PRi is a well known Right Wing PR group and Sally Pipes is the CEO, Reporter, Economist, and janitor of the "think tank". Her only credential I could find was a hearty "thumbs up" from Rick Santorum if that tells you anything. This article contains no data, no information, just a bunch of fear peddling about Canada killing it's elderly and babies. Whatever keeps her getting spots on Fox News...
I live and work in the U.S., my employer is based in Vancouver B.C. Believe me when I tell you not one person I work with that lives in Canada would trade me for our Healthcare here. I don't know where you got the numbers you are throwing around - but it isn't true. Nationalized healthcare protects our citizens, it is obscene to lay out the survival of the fittest arguement in your article when we live in the wealthiest nation in the world. Oh, and Rick Santorum is currently receiving the government health insurance plan with your tax dollars that he doesn't think you deserve. Credible .
Oft expectation fails...
and most oft there Where most it promises
- Shakespeare, W.
Last edited by chickentribs; 02-21-2005 at 03:40 PM..