I would like to throw in a real-life comparative experience. It involves me, and a lady that I met in a forum, from Philadelphia.
- Both of us were diagnosed with breast cancer last december 23. I know because we both created entries in a breast cancer forum and communicated with each other for support.
- my diagnoses was made by my doctor after a mammogram. she orderd it as a baseline for future disgnoses.
- my friend's diognoses was made by self inspection. the difference being that she had a lump, i didn't. If she had a mammogram earlier, they may have detected earlier.
- I was scheduled for and had my surgery on jan 6. She had hers on jan 3. Due to timing of diagnosis, mine was a large lumpectomy, hers was a full mastectomy
- I am now scheduled for 3 weeks of radiation therapy starting tomorrow.
- she is scheduled for chemo, uncertain for how long.
- I am out of pocket for coffee/snacks while my hubby waited for me at the hospital.
- she had to hit her line of credit for $11,000 to cover costs.
Now, I think that situations may not be the same, i did not have to stay overnight, but i still got a private recovery room, plus my hospital (toronto East General) is in walking distance from my house, so no parking, transp. costs involved, while she lived in the burbs, and had to commute plus her's was not day surgery. But I think that the speed and quality of care are comparable.
oh, her reasoning for not having an early mammogram? too expensive.
In my opinion, The canadian system has performed wonders with the resources they have.
Last edited by Janey; 02-21-2005 at 02:36 PM..