Global problems with healthcare solutions can and will be more readily addressed once the healthcare systems move away from acute, symptomatic processes towards preventative care.
The primary problem with healthcare is that it is used to treat catastrophe instead of long-term methods to prevent catastrophe.
The privatized healthcare system very specifically promotes this backwards method of healthcare treatment by the very nature of the cash incentive. A doctor/pharmacists/pharmaceutical developer/health insurance company is going to prefer the fix-the-symptom, ignore the cause approach. This results in very expensive healthcare - and health industry profits soar. (Health insurance companies don't mind the higher costs of the symptomatic process because for years they milk monthly insurance fees, steadily increasing those fees, and then either deny coverage or price the fees outside the reach of the people who are "suddenly" in need of very expensive surgery).
This is the #1 problem with privatized healthcare. It is the very reason that privatized healthcare must be eliminated if any quality healthcare is desired.
Universal healthcare is in the perfect position to promote preventative care, for the very reason that it does not desire profits so it desires lower costs. The surest method to lower costs is to spend small amounts of money over decades to prevent 50 year old, heavily overweight, cancer and heart attack patients. It is cheaper to spend $1000 a year to prevent a single 50 year old from requiring hundreds of thousands of dollars in health care costs for bypass surgery.
Last edited by Manx; 02-21-2005 at 02:16 PM..