Drinking alone
Does anyone think it's a problem to only drink alone?
I never go out in the evenings. I'm not particularly antisocial, I just don't enjoy going out. And I've never enjoyed social drinking.
But during the evenings and nights I spend alone in my room, usually watching some DVDs or reading, I always drink. I'll have a few beers or a couple of glasses of Jack Daniel's. Just enough to get me fairly drunk, never overdoing it.
Sometimes I wonder if this says anything about me. Sometimes I get an incredible feeling of loneliness, but most of the time I think nothing of it. It's just something I enjoy doing to accompany my night's activities.
I sometimes feel like I should be going out and socialising. This was particularly the case when my ex-girlfriend went out with her friends. I felt like I was missing out on something. This was especially strong when one of her male friends took her out drinking alone (She recently dumped me for him so that just enforced the feeling).
So what does everyone think? Drinking alone: a pleasant supplement to an evening/night, or an antisocial, lonely act?