Originally Posted by Carn
I like being on bottom because I think it's really hot seeing a girl going up and down on me.
EDIT: I just remembered that they all liked different positions on top though. One girl loved reverse cowboy, but didn't like to do it regular. One girl liked to lean back and put her hands on my knees and go up and down like that.
Exactly. For me, it's about the visuals. It puts the woman in charge, so to speak, and leaves my hands free to do other things (like eat a sandwich

I know for some women it's not as enjoyable as it makes them very self-conscious about their bodies and very aware of what they're doing.
If that's not the problem, well, all I can say is there is no 'right' way to do it. You could try leaning into him in either direction or using your feet instead of resting on your knees. He could try raising his knees a bit or find interesting things to do with his hands. With a little experimentation, you guys will find what works eventually and have your 'Eureka' moment.
Sex, to me at least, is about expermentation. Each individual is different and it takes a bit of creative thinking to find and understand what works for you and your partner. Books, tapes, and advice from us here at the ol' TFP are, at best, just guidelines to get you moving in the right direction and spark your creativity. It's up to you to do the legwork, so to speak, and find what works and what doesn't.