Originally Posted by NCB
Heck, y'all wanna make the comparison between the black civil rights movt and the gay "marriage" thingy, but no one want to do the legwork that the blacks did in the 50's and 60's. Make a compelling case and people will listen. Attacking people and claiming that they're intolerant boobs isn't gonna help your cause. And the fact is, that's all we're hearing from the pro homosexual marriage brigade.
NCB, you may want read a bit about The Stonewall Riots before discounting the history and importance of the gay communities to the civil rights movement in America.
"Legwork" in both monetary contributions and activism are plenty accounted for.
The "shucks, give 'em a marriage thingy" attitude illustrates exactly the problem you deny exists. You feel entitled to rights and benefits that you would deny another person, simply because you were born straight. Why? Could you really stand in front of my friends who are smart, kind, hard-working, raising two great kids (one who has no health insurance because he has two daddies), have been together for 10 years, and tell them thier family doesn't deserve the respect or level of consideration you deserve? They don't ask for respect from your Priest or your God or even you, but they deserve it from the damn government.
These situations are everywhere - it's not all Village People and drag queens, I promise you. Feel free to hold on to an ideal of marriage that you are defending for Vegas brides and reality shows if you must, but asking your government to treat another US citizen different than they treat you is just indefensible.