Originally Posted by yotta
If anyone was wondering, we're all still together 
Good for you! ANY relationship is hard to sustain over a course of months, let alone a polyamorous one.
Let's do the math:
The number of relationships between any number of things 'n' can be expressed as n * (n-1). So between two people there are (2 * (2-1)) = 2 relationships (me to her, her to me). That's two relationships to manage, two sets of opinions and jealousies and feelings, etc. Between three people there are (3 * (3-1)) = 6 relationships (you to her, her to you, you to him, him to you, her to him, him to her). Between 4, there are 12, etc. In other words, each linear increase in the number of people involved dramatically increases the complexity of the situation and the "whole big relationship".
Congrats on having the numbers on your side!