I think you misunderstood me there. What I was trying to get at is that the two beams of light will reach the moving object at the same time regardless of its speed, as long as the object was exactly inbetween the two lightnings when they hit. My reasoning is that, according to the law of propagation of light the speed of the light beam relative to the moviong object has to be c, therefore the distance between the object and either of the two light beams has to be decreasing at the same rate c. If the object is heading towars one of the beams, then it "slows down" the one it's heading towards, and "speeds up" the one it moving away from. So basically relative to both beams (taken at the same time) it is not moving.
So since the beams reach the person at the same time, Einsteins argument that time is different for two reference bodies is not supported.
I hope this is a bit clearer and I hope I'm not starting to bug you (or anyone else).