When I was living at home, I had a party while my folks were away. They are avid non-smokers and can smell cigarette smoke a mile away. Anyway, I had the party, everyone was smoking indoors as I thought there'd be ample time to get rid of the smoke smell. Plus, one night of smoking couldn't do that much damage, now could it?
How wrong I was. The next morning the house absolutely reeked of smoke. I quickly shat myself, opened all the windows and left the house for a few hours. When I returned, it smelt exactly the same. I thought I was dead.
Then I sprayed Febreze on every piece of fabric I could find, including the carpets. I left the windows open and left the house again. When I returned a few hours later, everything was smelling of roses. The Febreze had removed every single trace of cigarette smoke. When my parents returned a few days later, they were none the wiser.
Febreze saved my life and I will always be grateful to it.