(forgoing the bad Eminem joke)
Eminent domain is a necessary evil for any population that has to rework roadways, utilities, civil offices, etc. constantly to keep up with population growths. Does it suck for those involved? Of course. I watched a friend lose his martial arts studio that he had just built 1 year earlier because the city decided they needed a fire dept. in that exact spot. He fought for a while, but it is pretty useless once the decision is made. He was heart broken, and had to fight for market value in court.
But, what is the alternative? Roads will be built, land will be needed. The need of the many outweigh the need of a few - that's how they have always run this gov't. The price of progess and all that, I guess.
With a commercial interest it is trickier, but what if the decision is between moving 20 homeowners vs. watching 3000 jobs go somewhere else? Sure the city wants the tax revenue, but your neighbors need the jobs too. And you can't allow one or two people to hold out and negotiate your tax dollars away because of a "fair market" struggle, it has to be all or none. But I do agree it's one of the worst things to find yourself in the middle of...
I do find it offensive that the church's feel they derserve some sort of special exemption - take a private residence, but you can't touch a church? It's not like they even pay taxes! What ego.
Oft expectation fails...
and most oft there Where most it promises
- Shakespeare, W.