Originally Posted by Kostya
It is quite impossible to simply state, categorically anything about what will and won't happen. I'm not going to get all post-modern philosophy on you or anything, but if you think that history is as simple as you seem to believe, then I will assert that you are mistaken in this belief.
I CAN categorically state that if all ammo on the planet was expended, at least some people WOULD make more. I've prolly got enough stuff on-hand to make, I dunno, 250,000 rounds of loaded ammo before I had to do anything other than pick up my brass. I've got a backlog of 25,000+ "once-shot" .45 brass, and I don't even have a CLUE how much "once shot" 9mm brass I've got floating around. I'd be very, very surprised if it was less than 50,000 casings, ready to go, already tumbled, and if I had to bet, I'd say it's over 100K rounds worth. (we're talking THREE 55 gallon oil drums full of 9mm brass plus almost half of a fourth, plus other stuff scattered around elsewhere that I haven't gotten around to unpacking from the last move.) I've got a bunch (more than 100) of boxes of primers, @ 5,000 primers a box. I've got a bunch of lead/antimony/tin alloy ingots ready to be cast, at 10+ pounds per. So provided you don't kill me and everybody like me right off the bat (which in real life ain't gonna happen), ammo would indeed be made.