of course her freinds thought you were being stupid...dont you know how girl conversations go? First one girl says something that she did, and then the other girl agrees that it was the right thing to do. Then the first girl says something that her asshole boyfreind did, and the other girl agrees that he is a total asshole. It really doesnt matter what the first girl says, the second girls job is to help her justify every opinion she has, every action she takes. Girls (unless they openly hate each other) have alot harder time disagreeing with each other than guys do.
Heres how the conversation went:
GF: "My annoying boyfreind is sooo annoying, just because i gurgle everyones cum but his, he thinks I should take an STD test, how annoying, everyone knows those tests are just for sluts, how stupid, isnt that stupid?"
FRIEND: "Yeah thats totally stupid"
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