02-20-2005, 11:51 AM
#36 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Pellaz
Yup, (nerdity follows)
Constantine was a bit character in DCs Swamp Thing. Later, he got his own series in the Vertigo line of comics (Where you also found things like Sandman and Preacher). Put mildly, the character is a bit of a wanker, although, from the readers perspective, a lovable one. (And yup, he's a brit....Keanu doing an accent...joy). He's a huckster and a trickster, who most definately doesn't go around waving some giant mutant stage pistol. He's much more a Loki figure than he's John Wayne.
The movie looks to be something on the order of Catwoman, where they decided to take the name and throw it on something almost completely unrelated, to me.
I therefore put forth a petition to rename it: The Devils Advocate 2: Daddy Strikes Back
Apparently the director felt Reeves would not be a convincing Brit and so they made him originate from California.
Put the blame on me
So you don't feel a thing
Go on and save yourself
Take it out on me