while i appreciate your plea for adoption, i'm not sure what this story has to do with it...
Originally Posted by tamdarkdeamon
There was this loving couple who wanted to adopt. After roughly 8 years of waiting, they got their baby. After a day or two, the baby started to foam at the mouth and showed extreme symptoms. The parents brought it to the hospital to find out that the baby had AIDS. How devastated do you think that couple was? 8 years of waiting and after 1 day it's all gone.
is that a case of why adoption is a good thing? or are you trying to say people shouldn't put their children up for adoption unless they are healthy because it is traumatic for adoptive parents? not sure i understand how this comes into play.
at any rate, i'm very pro-choice (which is not the same as being pro-abortion). i'm not against adoption at all, i think it is a great thing--provided the woman in question is willing to go through with it.
but i'd also like to mention that adoption is not an alternative to abortion. adoption is an alternative to parenthood. abortion terminates pregnancy, if you want to give a child up for adoption you still have to go through with pregnancy first. if i had an unplanned pregnancy my initial options are to continue with the pregnancy or not (abortion).
if i make the choice to continue the pregnancy, i'm faced with the options of raising a child or putting it up for adoption.
for women who can't (or won't), for whatever reasons, go through pregnancy, adoption is not an option. perhaps someday it will be, but right now it isn't.