Originally Posted by CityOfAngels
Videogames don't teach kids; parents do.
You're right to an extent. But that's why these games have age limits. So that kids will be old enough to realize it's a game. At a young enough age, they DO teach young and impressionable kids norms and values. Socialization doesn't just come from parents.
Originally Posted by CityOfAngels
I'm sick and tired of parents trying to find scapegoats for their own poor parenting. They blame it on videogames, movies, teachers, friends, dungeons and dragons, music, books, art, the internet...just about anything or anyone but themselves. They're nothing but cowards; unable to confront their own flaws, and instead blaming it on things that have nothing to do with their own parenting results.
Yes, if they allow their children to play games not rated for them, they are at fault... But that doesn't help them when their kids play it at a friends' house or some such scenario. Are these parents cowards? The ones who TRY to protect their young children but they are affected anyway?
Originally Posted by CityOfAngels
Ignorant cowards, they are.
I thought you were above broad generalizations like this... meh.