Originally Posted by Cylvre
First of all I think you mean 'respectfully'? Last I checked 'respectually' wasen't in the dictionary.
The world is full of assholes. Don't be one. And yes, i made a spelling error.
Secondly, a large part of my entire point was the fact that any symbol, be it a cross or otherwise, inherently means nothing. Any meaning attributed to a symbol is the result of a personal, religious, or cultural choice that only applies to someone who buys into it.
Yes. And. Yes, symbol means something becuase of what people do with it. And. This symbol has had a lot done with it. So it means things. Becuase of my belief in the ressurection, what was a symbol of death becomes a symbol of God's confrontation with human violence, and God's merciful victory over that violence.
So a cross isn't a "symbol of death".
The Romans would
very much disagree. They used it as the symbol of the power of the state to kill, and to kill painfully.
The cross is a way of killing someone. Very slowly. If you think electric chairs and deathsheads are cool...i guess i can't stop you. But this ranks as one of the most cruel ways to kill someone ever invented. If you think that's beautiful...i think that's kind of sick. These aren't fake people that were killed.
But, as i've said before. If you don't find it personally meaningful, I'd kindly ask you not to wear the cross.