Thread: Theoretically.
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Old 02-19-2005, 08:59 PM   #30 (permalink)
Location: BFE
Originally Posted by Kostya

If the people in the secure positions die, other people can't simply stroll across to their hideouts, they'd have to fight through the zombies to access the ammo stores. Mobility is what I mean will be restricted, hence their ammo will be inaccessible.
Die from what, old age?

So one year passes... and then?

I'm thinking, what about 30 years down the track, what about 100 years, what about two, three generations later?
Standard subsistence hunting, possible farming, certainly animal husbandry. We've got a rabbit colony in our back yard that we keep the predators away from. It's not necessarily because we love rabbits, we simply consider them to be a natural hasenpheffer storage system.

Well no, but I'm presuming either a zombie accidently knocks over a flaming object, or alternatively, looters, rioters etc could start them.
And why would somebody be so stupid as to leave something burning where a Zombie could knock it over? Wouldn't the looters/rioters be SHOT by the people inside the house/facility, so that they couldn't loot/riot there?

You maintenance your house I presume? As I said, without someone continually ensuring that the house doesn't fall into disrepair, it will start to get messed up. I don't know what your house is made of, and I'm not saying EVERY house will be destroyed, but over time, things get broken down. I guess I'm thinking over periods much longer than a few years, when I said months turn into years, should have been a bit more clear.
Every 30 years or so, we put a new roof on it. Periodically we paint it. We mow the lawn, cut back the bushes, et cetera. That's about it...

I don't know what these are, but presumably so would everyone else, and the real restriction in my opinion, again, is going to be mobility, it's going to be hard to move around.
National Guard armories. They're where the National Guard stores their guns, vehicles, ammo, et cetera in case of emergencies. Why would it be hard to move around? If you've got people with guns, they can extend a protection "bubble" around themselves and go wherever they please, unless they meet fortified resistance.

Well, it's hard to forget what you don't know. Again, you got to go to the junkyard and get the lead, and then go home, without dying.
Nothing, not even bullet moulds, last for ever.
I've got bullet molds dating back to the 1700's that are still functional. And they're pretty simple to make out of scrap steel. Why is it hard to go to the junkyard? If you're moving there with more than two or three people, no problem.

Well, in the words of Gary Coleman, that's a very glib interpretation. Survival is not simply a matter of manufacturing ammo, food and water and shelter are also essentials.
Survival isn't that hard, either. People have been doing it for millenia.

Then my question is: where do you get sulphur from?
Ummm...let's see....any chemical supply house. Got a yellow pages? Take a look. They even have their addresses listed.

How does this machine work? Is it powered by electricity? Does it require complex moving parts? Is it easy to move?
I have no friggin idea if that's a bargain.
It's entirely hand-operated. No electricity required, although some of the gizmos use batteries, but the gizmos aren't required for it to work. It's very durable, to the point that the manufacturer offers an unconditional money-back guarantee for the life of the product. If it breaks, they'll fix it for free. Now in the case of zombies attacking, I doubt that their guarantee would hold good, but the fact taht they can offer such a guarantee and it doesn't put them out of business should tell you something about the durability and reliability of the product.

Um, what's a beltfed?
A beltfed is a type of fully automatic weapon which is fed from a belt instead of a magazine. <img src="" /> The gun on the left side is an example of one of my beltfeds, the WWII German MG-34. The middle one is an MP-40, and the one on the right is a H&R Reising Model 50. They're all "machineguns".

Ok, if it's done in the US right now, my question is, can it continue to be done if the events (or similar events) I am describing occurred?
Of course.

Well, zombies don't necessarily have to be corpses from the grave. What about dead bodies in morgues etc all the rest of it. I mean, what if the zombies were simply an alien manufactured virus that they infected humans and placed all over the planet at strategic positions? I don't know, as I said the causes are unknown, they appear.
Do australians keep a huge supply of bodies lying around? We don't in the US. As a rule, most bodies are interred within 5 days of becoming bodies.

BTW, just as a disclaimer, I'm an Australian, so I'm not exactly very knowledgable about guns and ammo in general, sorry if I seem a bit clueless. America is one crazy place. I have seen one gun in my life, and it was a bolt action 22, pretty unimpressive.
That's OK, we're trying to inform you.
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