Originally Posted by martinguerre
But we are deploying them. A lot of them. Granting your position for the sake of argument, ahow is this not a sign of alack of regulars?
Like everyone here I have opinions. Whether they are correct or not is a whole different discussion.
Personally, I would send reserves to other parts of the world and have the regulars do the fighting. However, the regulars have more of a say in where they go and the reserves don't, so it is easier to send reserves sometimes.
Without knowing actual troop levels and where these troops are stationed, it is really hard to say one way or another. Who knows, maybe if more regulars were brought into Iraq from other stations we wouldn't be in the mess we are today.
That's kind of a tough one to answer.
I do think Daswig had a point. Make the military more attractive and recruitment will go up.