Originally Posted by yatzr
for all the people that said "life's not fair" and "deal with the consequences"...why is it okay to yell that to men who don't want a child, but not okay to yell that to women who don't want a child.
I believe that if the woman has an option to opt out of parenthood, the man should too. As for kids growing up without dads, just tell them "Life's not fair"...I'm sure they'll understand.
I came up with a similar idea to this before, a "male abortion". Give men 5 months (isn't that when most abortions have to be performed by?) after they are notified they have a child/concieved a child to decide if they want the kid-if they don't they can file for abortion and have nothing to do with the kid. I think that would help equal out the inbalance in treatment of the sexes in relation to children. As was said earlier, if a woman can decide to not have a child if it's economically inconvenient, why should a man not have the same right?