Originally Posted by host
These same individuals either don't wonder, or don't care, why women seem so insistant that they continue to have the right to choose. Fellows, we are 30 years past this type of male control, it's time to leave the uteruses to the ladies.
Quite a few women aren't insistent. Quite a few women are insistent that the 'right' be removed.
As for the ones that do wish to preserve legal abortion, I understand well why they're insistent. There's a variety of reasons: they don't believe that the z/e/f is a human being, so they see it as harmless elective surgery; they want the surgery to be safe for those who would resort to it; they don't believe that any individual, and by extension, the government, has the right to restrain a woman from getting an abortion; they believe abortion bans violate privacy rights; ect., ect. It's' wishful thinking to imagine that anti-choicers exist simply because they don't understand the opposing position.
As for not caring, I 'don't care' in much the same way that you don't care about pro-lifers' insistence that abortion be outlawed: I took all their reasons and motivations into account and ultimately deemed them insufficient for the justification of their aims.