Originally Posted by Kostya
Well, ok
Let me be a bit more clear.
If, hypothetically, Romero's Dawn of the Dead scenario happened.
So, zombie holocaust scenario.
Now, ammo is going to get expended in enormous quantities in this early period, people blasting undead on all sides like no tomorrow. Now, obviously survivors are going to move out of highly populated areas so presumably there's going to be less ammo out in the countryside than in the cities.
Now, at this point, I believe ammo is going to become pretty scarce, and basically people are going to have to scavenge for it.
Obviously anarchic, post zombie society is going to be rife with violence: murder, robbery, organised banditry, plus the continuing threat of roaming packs of zombies.
Now, you could maintain a gun for a while I presume, but don't you need gun oil, blah blah etc to do so?
Also, you also could reload your own ammo (does this mean reusing the casings?) but essentially people need gunpowder and whose going to be making that?
Now people would be out there who would know the recipe for gunpowder even, but getting the ingredients would be pretty low on the list of priorities. Food and shelter are going to be the number one concerns, but in a world of roaming zombie hordes, and heavily armed, highly mobile bandits, something tells me that just an abandoned house wouldn't do in the long term.
So ok, with people busting off a fair amount of rounds in Mad Max style banditry, plus zombie hunting etc, how long would the ammo last? I mean fuel wouldn't exactly go far something tells me, but after that I suppose people would still be shooting at each other on foot or horses.
It depends on the original supplies that people have. Your average "I buy 3 boxes of 50 rounds every time I go to the range!" folks are SOL. On the other hand, guys like me, who shoot in excess of 50K rounds a year, and buy ammo by the palletload (it's a LOT cheaper that way) are NOT going to run out any time in the near future. I figure I've got 5-10 years worth of recreational ammo on hand. In a "dawn of the dead" situation, that'll last a hell of a long time. Plus, I have plenty of components around the house and curtelage, and the ability to make everything necessary including gunpowder from local sources. (we've prolly got a couple of tons of saltpeter in the attic from the bats, can make charcoal, and there are local sulfur sources, which is why our spring tastes so bad, so we've got a distillation unit in the basement that's "handy". Yeah, that's the word, "handy".) If you know what you're doing, you can even "re-activate" spent primers.
Also, I think you'd find that there's a hell of a lot more ammo out in the countryside than there is in the cities. Why? Because fire marshalls tend to freak out when a freight company drops off 10 pallets of ammo at an apartment building. Out here, nobody notices.
As for the roving zombie hoards and heavily armed bandits, fuck'em. I've got them outgunned.