Here's my take on it. I myself like people who have the ability to be humble. This doesn't rule out cocky when it's needed. But it really isn't in most cases and will get you any extra benefit.
And on the Nobel Price thing... Arafat got the nobel peaceprice, and he was a real badass turned soft. I believe he got the nobel price in an effort for peace in the region - but it took his death to start the shurning wheels.
About musicians etc:
I have this idea about how and why most bands suck after a while. First, they start out in agony - hell, it's a bitch to play in a garage and go on foodstamps. They write kickass songs about the agony and what a bitch life is - and make it big. Now what the hell are they supposed to write about? Well, this calls for a clause - drugs! If they start doing drugs things the band touches will most likely turn into shit - family, fortune, health etc. Either the band stops doing drugs and continues to suck or they do the drugs and write good music.
Sucks don't it?
Anyone have a take on my thoughts?
Jag bara gissar o spekulerar o det jag skriver behöver inte ha någon förankring med verkligheten alls.