Originally Posted by Pip
The cross represents christian faith, not faith in general. And the association of crosses and death are entirely within a christian context. If you want to show that you have lost someone close, why not wear a black ribbon? It's a classic. Death and the transitory nature of life in general, why not a skull? It works in most cultures.
To use a very christian symbol as a representation of reincarnation is just weird. Use a wheel or something instead!
If it is a personal memento I can understand if you wear a symbol of a faith that isn't your own, but as a fashion statement or a symbol of something else entirely? Prepare to be mocked.
You quoted my post - which was mainly about how a friend of mine displayed the cross she wears and what it means to her. I was merely stating that not everyone considers it a symbol of a religion, namely Christianity.
Pip, you seem aggressive in your post. I suggest you take a deep breath and re-read my post. If people feel that they are above others enough to mock them, then they need a serious reality check and take some serious time to GROW UP.
I wear a pentacle. Funny thing is, maybe I'm alone in this, but I don't view my pentacle as a statement of my religion, I see it as my symbol of protection. I don't feel complete without it around my neck.
I was raised Christian, but I was blessed at birth as Wiccan. I once wore a cross. At that time, it didn't represent what religion I followed but my relationship with Jesus.