It is a great stepping stone but expect in this to take steps foward followed by small setbacks. This is a long-term process. Breaking down these kinds of barriers is best done brick by brick very slowly. My wife tells me that there are many women who don't enjoy sex and would rather not do it. I feel she is wrong in this (more in semantics than actual). Most women have the capacity to enjoy sex but might not. This is different than her assertion that many women don't like it. The problem is their partners don't have a clue how to help them and many times they don't either since they may feel it is wrong given conservative upbringings. There are several of her friends who basically had no sex life going with their husbands, they get divorced and all of a sudden they turn into nymphos and enjoy sex. The capacity was there, but their enjoyment was not.
Keep at it. Don't play it too heavy with her. The absolute best thing to do is just to let her know how much you enjoyed it.