XenuHubbard: sorry, unintentional oversight there, no intense offended. tell me, are you the president of the Xena: Warrior-Princess fan club?
iRtehCrispeh: better ancient Egytian god, Horus or Osiris?
holtmate: True or False: In days of old, when knights were bold, and toilets weren't invented, you left your load beside the road and walked away contented.
icy_ca: "You getting tired Sion, these don't have as much bite?" yes. if you read back through the entire thread, you'll see I have already apologized for the deterioration of the questions. now, do you want another, bitch
Atropos4: trickle down economic theory, bullshit or revelation?
grumpyolddude: admit it, back in the "good old days" things were never really that good, were they?