At risk of turning this (more) into storytelling of past accidents:
I'm chilling here in Jamaica for four weeks, I'm a US citizen though and have lived there all my life. You drive on the left side of the road here, like in England. Anyway, we're sitting, waiting to make a right turn, and there's a few cars that need to clear out of the oncoming lane. It's dark. Two cars go around us on the left, travelling in the same direction as us. Sitting there ten seconds or so. Just as we're about to go, we get hit from behind. Weirdest two seconds of my life while I figured out why my seat was reclined and my leg hurt. So we get out (me and the guy I'm staying with, a priest), and the guy who hit us comes out and starts yelling at US. It was the most surreal thing ever. The only thing I was doing wrong was not using my blinker, but it's on the right side of the steering column instead of the left, so I was still getting used to that (I was here five days at that point and had jsut started driving). So okay, I guess I'm trying to weasel my way out of that, but...I mean, come on. Brake lights were on. Two people went AROUND us. And he hits us, full speed I think, 50 kmph or 30 mph. (I heard no screeching, saw no skid marks). And he comes out yelling at us...I juse couldn't believe it.
Heh, so you tell me: Am I not admitting fault by downplaying the blinker, or is it totally his fault?
Aftermath: Once it was revealed his insurance had lapsed, he fully admitted fault and is working on paying Father for the repairs. Happened four days ago, and repairs have begun.