A grand? Damn, what kind of tests were you planning on? Just to be clear on "tests:"
1) You can buy a pregnancy test at just about any drug store, grocery store, or probably even a gas station.
2) Most pregnancy tests are in the $10-$15 range.
3) These kinds of tests can only be given after a week or so has passed since your sexual encounter, as it takes that long for the hormones to build up and make a showing.
4) The tests are not complicated in any way: she opens the package, takes out a thing the shape of a digital thermometer, and holds it in her urine stream while she's peeing. Wait a few minutes and see if a little line appears (or not).
5) IF it's positive, THEN you can go to the doctor and have them check it to be absolutely sure. That might cost more, but definitely not a grand.
... no offense Ribs, but I think most of us are confused about why you didn't just shell out the $10 for a 5-minute pregnancy test from Target or something? It's really no big deal at all, and no one has to know about it except you two. No doctor appointment, no huge expenditure... just a decision that you really want to know.
Also, how long has it been since her period was supposed to start? Have you asked her directly if it has started, and told her why you are concerned? What I am most worried about in your situation is the lack of communication going on between you two. Even though she's probably not pregnant, she's missing out on this whole aspect of your freaking-out about it (which is important for her to know).
Look at it this way: the anonymous people reading and responding to this forum currently know you better than she does. Is that right?