well i joined ages ago but have not had a chance to post much but am hoping to start.
i'm from scotland, have travelled far and wide, love reading, moaning about the state of the modern world, am scared by the prospect of continuing world unrest and intolerance, i work in 'the media', i like big dogs although i don't have one, despite my left and green leanings i like fast cars and i own one too, i hate people who don't indicate to change lanes on the motorway, front foglight wind me up too, i really hate the dumbing down of 24hour news coverage and the proliferation of cheap exploitative television, i dislike censorship and the thing that makes me most angry (at least today) is people that don't vote when they can oh and i'm not fat or called bob.
there is much more that i will hopefully have the chance to share here as time goes by.
look forward to chatting.
change happens when those who don't normally speak get heard by those who don't normally listen.