Originally Posted by CityOfAngels
Look, if you teach your kids with videogames, so be it. But not everyone does, and not everyone is ignorant enough to learn life's lessons from a videogame.
Videogames don't teach kids; parents do. I'm sick and tired of parents trying to find scapegoats for their own poor parenting.
You're completely right. People hear the word "videogame", and still think that it's something for kids. You wouldn't blame porn for teaching your 5 year old kid to degrade women. So don't blame a game that only adults can buy for teaching your 5 year old how to do drive bys.
Anyway, back on subject, I just don't see any game anytime soon taking GTAs crown. They have proven that there is a big market for these types of games, but so far they've been two steps ahead of everyone else.