I think this little exerpt fits nicely here
Originally Posted by MSN.com, from an Articl titled "10 myths women have about men"
8. Men don't like women who make the first move.
"Sure we do," returns Romero, 39. "It's less work for us and shows us you have good taste."
Although I think the way the guy phrased it sounds egotistical and chauvanistic (I just butchered that poor word), but... he's got a point. Personally, I'm attracted to women who take the initiative and control at times, barring overbearance or pushiness. It's an admirable quality to have and I just happen to find it amazingly attractive.
If a woman approached me because she found me attractive I would at the very least be flattered, but more than likely I was accept any offer she gave me because of the fact that she initiated contact with me instead if vice-versa just gave her like 20 Sexy points.