I think the "Academic Bill of Rights" is a waste of time. While I agree with many of the points of the supporters, I think we already have too many laws and adding another one that is near-impossible to enforce is a waste of time.
I think there is another way to handle this problem.
And, it works beautifully, in my opinion.
Give your money to a different school, one that is more akin to your beliefs, if there is such a one.
I heard this on local talk radio (I am in Denver) this afternoon, so I have no source for it, I am just passing on what I heard.
I believe the radio show hosts were interviewing the dean, or the head of the regents or whatever, but he said that they (CU) have already lost 1000 students (current and prosepective) over this Churchill flap.
1000 times whatever money these kids were gonna spend at the school equals a lot of cash and also equals a point well made. They expect that CU will continue to lose students and money from alumni, so I think the school is going to really feel the pain over this.
That is how I like to see things like this handled. Money gets the message across a lot faster than walking around with some clever sign. Banter about this all you want, use big words, elevate this discussion to super high levels of thought, whatever.....it won't have anywhere near the effect of that tiny sound made by little dollar signs leaving CU and going to somewhere else.
In my opinion, that is what the uppity-ups are paying attention to in the CU situation, they are paying attention to the dollar signs.
For the record, if you didn't know already, I am Conservative and I don't give two shits about tenure--it doesn't play into my thinking at all.
and, lastly....a prediction regarding Churchill: He will be fired and it won't be from this 9/11 article, essay, whatever. He has made himself a target (don't kid yourselves, he is loving the attention) and even the left-leaning papers here in town are digging shit up on him. He will either go down for plagiarism or for making up facts to support his claims (i.e. Native Americans).