I think part of the problem may be they way our military institution is structured.
I think in theory, there should be no need for a draft as we should have a professional standing armed forces. At least this is what I had always though and assumed.
1. What I do not understand is, we have one of the largest and advanced armed forces in the world, so then why are we "stretched so thin"? I always assumed our military's pre-eminence but it seems like were either sitting ducks or weak or something. Plus we spend an incredible amount for defense. What gives? Where is the money going then if were still so "weak"? I find this a bit disconcerting and alarming and I'm concerned that we're being called out and the world is seeing our vulnerabilities.
2. While in theory the draft would give equality in socio-economic terms, it would still not address the issue of quality - EX: unwilling soldiers make poor soldiers.
Here'a a radical and abstract idea: One solution would be to make distinctions in our war planing. For example, if there is no determinant cause (direct threat/clear & present danger) then the choice to go to war and ensuing costs should be billed to those that instituted that war. EX: Iraq - No clear and present danger, not a priority war. No problem, bill the $300 billion to the Republican party, Halliburton, cheney etc. Bill the Sudan (Black HAwk Down) debacle to Clinton's administration, Democrats etc. Bill the Europeans for Bosnia. With accountability and responsibility, decisions will be made with more careful consideration instead of recklessly. We are more careless and reckless with other people's lives and money so put it on the line.
3. If you sign up for the Armed Forces (regardless of your intention) you did so knowing your obligation. So, since we can't pick our "war" then either don't sign up in the first place or fulfill your end of the bargain. People who complain of the draft always whine and say the're moving to Canada but they never do. We all know of the draft since the day we sign the Selective Service form when we turn 18. I don't think it's going to happen, I think it's a "we reserve the right" thing. I suppose if we truly gave a shit, it would have been made a real campaign issue long ago.