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Old 02-16-2005, 10:44 AM   #25 (permalink)
Master_Shake's Avatar
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Originally Posted by Yakk
Sure. I've even been nibbled on by a security dog. Everyone was polite, and nothing came of it. I got a good story!
Well, then you're a better man than I am. I would have a hard time being so forgiving if the cops threatened to sic dogs on me and had me arrested.

Originally Posted by Yakk
They checked -- there was noone apparently renting the apartment associated with the lockup, and it didn't look like the landlord.
Even assuming that the person had no legitimate purpose there (which I still see very little evidence to support. Just because he doesn't recognize the guy doesn't mean the guy had no business being there) at worst the guy was going in to sleep off a hangover, homeless and trying to find a place to stay, etc. There is absolutely no evidence (from the story given) to suggest the guy was going to destroy anything or harm anybody. It's a big leap to go from one to the other. Now, recognizing that the guy MAY have been trespassing to find a place to sleep for the night, you still would have called the cops? That's just too weak for me to get the cops involved. Is there so little crime near you that a homeless guy sleeping the night off is your biggest threat? Has your town eradicated all murders, rapes, DUI's, and underage kids smoking? Is the remote possibility that a homeless guy is trying to get some rest such a pressing concern that you have to call the cops?

If so, I guess we just live in very different areas and we're unable to see common ground. Maybe this is what's best in your community. Maybe the cops really do solve problems, instead of causing more, where you live. That hasn't been my experience, and that's what I have to use to base future decisions on.

Originally Posted by Yakk
First of all, have you ever looked up the term "straw man"? I think you'd be much better at speaking rationally if you knew of it.
I was trying to be sarcastic and suggest that if you are so paranoid about strangers walking around then it would follow that you must live in a very protected area because there are a lot of strangers out there. I don't think that's a straw man argument, that's just taking your argument to an absurd conclusion.

Originally Posted by Yakk
Second, what low level of suspicion are you referring to?
The slightest inkling standard that the poster referred to here:
Originally Posted by kurty-b
Their business is their business, but if something strange is going on that gives me the slightest inkling it may endanger myself, friends, or my neighbors and/or our property then I am not just going to say "Ho hum, I better keep out of his business".
Originally Posted by Yakk
Someone enters and stays inside a storage shed from an apparently unoccupied room. That is worthy of suspicion.
That probably happens a lot. Is it really necessary to get the police involved everytime? Couldn't those resources be put to better use? I think we have to weigh the costs and benefits of such action.

Cost: Cops' time, resources diverted from possibly important work, aggravation to the "suspect."

Benefit: Ensuring no one tresspasses on corporate property.

What would your decision be?

Originally Posted by Yakk
Once again, you are being absolute in an area where things aren't black and white.
How is it being absolute to say that the purpose of the criminal justice system is to punish people? There may be rehabilitative aspects, but they are few and far between. The purpose, the driving force, the main motivation is to punish people. Do you really think the purpose is something else?

Originally Posted by Yakk
I don't do it because I don't see there being anything really wrong with smoking weed.
! So you admit that some laws shouldn't be enforced! Amazing. Well, how would you feel if your elderly neighbor called the police to report you for smoking weed and they show up on your doorstep with an attack dog and guns? Would you appreciate that?

Originally Posted by Yakk
In your case, you see nothing wrong with stealing property rights from "corperations" (otherwise known as "other people").
Right, because that guy walking into a storage shed was doing some really heavy shit. Thank god they caught him.

Originally Posted by ngdawg
And, MasterShake and Carn-you have a great future in burglary and grand larceny if everyone took your attitudes.
Hey, I'm not stealing anything from anybody, and I'm not suggesting it's allright to steal. But there was no evidence that the guy was going to steal something from that story.

Originally Posted by ngdawg
What else could he be doing? Let's see...shooting dope....waiting for lights to go out or the GF to go back inside so he could get to the work of burglarizing a place or two...maybe a rapist taking a break? He wasn't a tenant-didn't belong in a shed-I'd have called the cops too.
Jesus, that's an active imagination you've got there man.
You know something, I don't think the sun even... exists... in this place. 'Cause I've been up for hours, and hours, and hours, and the night never ends here.
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