Originally Posted by guthmund
For those that missed it.....there it is again.
Exactly and exactly. If the government/state wants your property they can do what everyone else has to do and submit a bid to the real estate agent. The land is mine. I paid for it and continue to pay for it every year in taxes. They even gave me a title and everything. To say that anyone can come along and force me to sell them my land is theft and coercion doesn't matter what their names are or what they want to do with it.
Therein lies the rub. I completely agree with MSD, eminent domain is theft. However, your continuing to pay for your land every year in taxes is exactly the reasoning behind it. It's NOT your land. You're renting it from the government. The title? That's for things ON the land. The land itself? Not yours. So, that's how the government justifies all this, and legally they have every right to. We all agree to it every time we purchase "real estate." The biggest crime is the fact that there are no real options to purchase land otherwise.